A Team in Your Corner

When you have decided to handle your court case on your own, but wish to have some guidance in your document preparation and filing, you may not need the assistance of an attorney on an ongoing basis. A paralegal may be able to help you deal with the minor legal issues that arise.

At LA Centro Legal , we offer a wide range of services based on our clients’ individual needs and goals. In addition to hourly services, consulting by an attorney and limited scope representation by our in-house Attorney Mark A. Herrick and Attorney Jay W. Smith, our paralegals on staff can provide qualified assistance to our clients.

When for example a divorce is straightforward or minimally contested, you may not need the intervention of an attorney. However, a paralegal can still provide insight into your case and help with the documents that may accompany the issue. When our lawyers handle cases for clients, our paralegals are almost always involved, helping out with the work. When clients work solely with our paralegals, it may be a cost-effective way to get some of the same types of assistance at a fraction of the cost. Contact us today to schedule a consultation to discuss your needs with one of our skilled staff members.